Saturday, January 30, 2010

This apple is huge!

In NYC on business. I assure you it's important. Was accosted before we even left the airport. Whoops, gave away the we. Ahaha ... anyway, I'm sure it'll happen again. The accosting, I mean. When people here aren't trying to outright ignore you (blissful), they're all up in your face like, "hey, I'm taking your money."

Too bad I'm keeping a low profile; I'd show them what's up, Horrible-style.

On the way to a fancy hotel. Of course I can't say which one. Just know that it's in NY and gives a fantastic view of the city.

You know what? I'm going to use expensive and ridiculous aromatherapy bath products and have an overly extravagant drink named after an obscure Eastern European nobleman. (Note: if said drink does not exist, I will create it using my natural chemist's intuition.)

Also, though I admit I'm extremely knowledgeable, I always try to learn something new every day. Today was no exception.

It's snowing! How cool is that?

Ah, we're here! Catch you later!

(btw, my old Twitter is no longer functional - great time for it to happen, not - so those who were following me previously can now follow my tweets at

posted from iPhone using BlogPress Lite

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