Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Better at banks, better at eBay.

So the philosophy goes. I'm sure it's a philosophy somewhere. It's natural fact, anyway; the more banks you rob, the better you get at robbing banks. The better you get at robbing banks, the more money you're able to procure. The more money you procure, the more you have to spend on the World Wide Web.

Fact: I have a lot of radium. Like, way more than what's in a pile of clocks, smoke detectors, and luminescent paint.

How did I manage to capture such a find? Creative Google searches. What a lot of people don't know is that Google is, behind that light, colorful exterior, very sympathetic to the plights of supervillains.

Go ahead. Type "google hacks" into your browser. It's fun, really, if totally old meme. But wait until you've finished reading this entry.

Don't worry. I won't be long. Mostly, I just wanted to let you all know that I've become an entrepreneur. That's all. More details later. In the meantime, I got my inbox up and running - partially - so I'll finally be able to respond to your e-mails. Not tonight, though. Tonight, I'm going to get some well-deserved rest. It's been a crazy week.

Okay, you can go Google now.

Always yours, always evil,
Dr. Horrible

ETA: Still not sure about that signature. It sounds contrived. I want something that implies a - a long-lasting - well, more than a cameo-type relationship with you, my readers, because without you, I would not be as destructive and diabolical as I am today. Anyway, if you have any suggestions for cool signatures, comment with them.

ETA2: Rereading HP, Deathly Hallows, mostly to do some scholarly scouring for actual content. Man, if Rowling were a villainess, she would be unstoppable. I was almost halfway through the book before I re-realized that she hadn't actually come up with a plot for it. AMAZING. Also: I have adverb poisoning. Please to be bringing me some Carlyle. Thx.

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