Friday, February 26, 2010

Serendipitous progress, subsequent elation, and movies.

This is just a really quick post that I couldn't fit on twitter without breaking it (even though I did hypothetically break it by a Ramsey theory reference, not that I'm proud or anything - and not that I really consider my reference to be the reason for the subsequent super-capacious claim by the website itself), because I obviously need an outlet for my excitement.

The frame is finished, cured, and ready to take on the rest of the ray.

By the way, the movie The Incredibles? I will never derive equivalent joy from anything than I do from watching the climax. Syndrome is badass. I usually just stop watching there and pretend he didn't get sucked into a jet engine. Besides, who has time for movies, right?

Who has time for anything, anymore?

I'd much rather be working.1

1 It sounds so much more convincing in text.

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