Tuesday, February 16, 2010

I don't think that word means what you think it means.

Went to the hardware store today. It was an innocent-enough run. (Come on, do you really think I steal everything? Chemicals and expensive energy cores are one thing, but a wire end brush? It's like, five bucks. Seriously.) Unfortunately, you run into all kinds of special people when you go to a store that mainly sells things with which you can fix other things. These people include, but are not limited to:

1) People who DIY
2) People who try DIY and then come back to the store to get the employees to fix their DIY
3) People who think they are the gods of the electric screwdriver
4) Aliens

Unfortunately, #4 did not show up, but #3 did, and he kept using the word "pneumatic" for everything. I'm not even joking. "Pneumatic" cables for a "pneumatic" this, it's a piece that'll go on a "pneumatic" whats-it. It's going to be pneumatic.

My theory? He was full of hot air.

But maybe that's just me.

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